Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I Thought I Was Your Fantasy....x3

Well, Chris and his ladies have left the country and it's Fantasy Suite time.  AKA the most uncomfortable episode of the season!

I'm  not sure who his stylist is, but within the first 2 minutes we see him in many different outfits and it's not only amusing, but I'm just not ok with the clothing choices!

Date #1 Kaitlyn
"Kaitlyn is the type of person I can see in my life" - Chris
*I'm guessing as a friend*
Already, I'm not feeling the love.  And thanks to temple, they aren't feeling the love either.
#TempleOfTemptation #NoKissing

"This is my girlfriend. Very beautiful, right?" -Chris

"And all of a sudden we are in the middle of a tropical jungle full of monkeys" -Kaitlyn
**and truer words have not been spoken about what a crazy show this is**

"Watching these monkeys, I feel like they know what they want and they go and get it.  They see that banana and they're gonna go get it.  I definitely wish I could be more like a monkey and just go after what I want and not be afraid of anything that might stand in the way." -Kaitlyn
#MonkeyLove #OhBoy

After they survive the monkeys, they chat.  And Chris looks bored.  And I'm uncomfortable for her.  Because she's into him, and he's not into her.  And now I wonder, will she even make it to the rose ceremony?
#PoorKaitlyn #FakeFantasy #BringOnBecca #WhatAboutWhitney

Sorry, but this date does not make me want to add Bali to my "must visit" list.

Goodness, it's dinner time.  And that table is way too close to the water.  And Kaitlyn is shaking.  And it's about to go down.  Or maybe she'll push Chris into the water? :)
#GuardYourHeart #TrustYourGut

Chat. Sigh. Pause. Kiss.
Oh Chris, your face looks so bored.  Kissing is not the answer.

Fantasy Suite Card/Key
"I can't imagine saying no to that" -Kaitlyn
"I agree..........I think we deserve this" -Chris
SERIOUSLY!  I can feel the boredom from my couch. 
#SendHerHome #GuardYourHeart #ChrisIsBored

So Kailtyn is "completely" falling in love with Chris.  And Chris' face is not falling in love with Kailtyn, but his lips are. 

"And I'm falling in love with you as well." Lie #1 from Chris tonight

Date #2 Whitney
Upbeat music. Already, this is better than Kaitlyn's date.
Chris's face now matches his feelings.  He looks happy.

So Whitney & Chris are on a boat, and everything around them is gorgeous!  And it is now where I realize Kaitlyn's "no kissing, monkey date" represents Chris' feelings, and Whitney's "happy, great scenery, no rules date" also represents his feelings.
Although I would like for her to stop talking.  Home girl is crazy chatty!

Ahh, so Whitney's dad left when Whitney was 6 months old.  That explains a lot.  Kimberly is mother hen to Whitney...and a lawyer, also explains a lot.

"I'd rather her be like honest than just being something you're not." -Chris
**are you the pot or the kettle Chris?  Because Kaitlyn and the Fantasy Suite...not honest.**

Well, it took the entire season before anyone jumped off a boat.  Glad we got that Bingo Square covered. 

Dang! It's dinner with Whitney and Chris' forehead is nothing but sweat beads. 
*And I know Claire is watching and freaking out because she hates sweat...and he had crazy pit stains during Kaitlyn's date*

Dear People Of Arlington, Iowa,

Please do not hire Chris to promote your town.

Everyone watching this episode

PS. This is why:

Chris Quotes:
  • Do you have any concerns when you think about Iowa? 
  • Arlington is a small town.
  • Arlington is 500 people. 
  • There's nothing to do in Arlington.
  • Zero.
  • So you go other places, for a career or whatever. 
  • Des Moines is 2 hours away.  Chicago is 3.5 - 4 
  • I want to go do something, I drive somewhere
Whitney Words:
  • To me, when I look in terms of my future, I worked SO hard to get where I am. BUT, I always wanted to be a wife and to be a mom
  • Sometimes even when you are those things, it doesn't work out. So you need to have something to fall back on.
  • I have this career, but I'm not fully happy (clearly she forgot how excited she was last week when it was "Bring Your TV Boyfriend To Work Day").  There's half of me that is missing because I want to be a wife and a mom
  • If I moved to Arlington I would leave that and I wouldn't have any hesitation about it.
  • I'd be ready to have babies...and that would be my career.
  • It's not where you are, it's who you're with
#WhitneyJustWantsToMakeBabies #InALab #AndInABed

Fantasy Suite Card/Key
"What do you think?" -Chris
"Well, I've thought a lot about this.  And, it would be great!" -Whitney*
*way too many pauses for that response

So Many Candles!  That room is on fire!

Date #3 Becca
So Chris and Becca have HUGE smiles!
And Becca is smitten with how well Chris and the Bali Boys "show their muscles"

And now this is about to get uncomfortable with the future dude.
"Are we meant to be together?" -Chris
"Actually you are very good couple." -Dude
"Will he be a good dad one day?"-Becca
"Both of you going to be good parents to your kids." -Dude
"What's her biggest weakness as a person?"-Chris
"She's hard to control." -Dude
"We have a very big date tonight. Do you have any advice?"-Becca
laughing "Making love!" -Dude
"I like this guy!" -Chris
"You have to choose the West direction." -Dude

Ya know, Becca has a great sense of humor. 

"Chris could be inviting a virgin into the fantasy suite and he has no idea about it." -Becca
I must say, Becca handles the thought of this conversation WAY better than #KardAshleyian

"Want to get in the water?" -Chris
"I'm in Bali with a guy I'm falling in love with.  It's very surreal.  Standing in the water and kissing him, like experiencing temptation, kinda ups the romanticism of being here." -Becca


"Chris does not know that I am a virgin. I'm waiting till marriage. And there's a chance that that's not something he wants to wait for." -Becca
that was so eloquent. and really, the maturity of that sentence rocks. #KardAshleyian, if you are watching, take note!

"I love who Becca is as a person.  And I love her family. I envision a life with her in my future. I can be a part of that family. But knowing that Becca has never been in love before, it does raise some concerns. -Chris

And Chris is also falling in love with Becca.

Fantasy Suite Card/Key
Can we please get some new verbiage for those date cards?

And the music matches my anxiety level....

"I would love to spend time with you alone and have more time together. I think it's very important to spend that time and get to be alone." -Becca
"I agree....a lot.  I think it's, this is a big week and this is a big deal and this is a big day for us." -Chris

"She's the total package"-Chris

Becca Bites The Bullet (on the most dramatic anticipated fantasy suite conversation)
  • I've never been in love
  • I've never brought someone home to my family
  • I really do feel like I'm falling in love with you
  • But I do have something very important to share with you
  • Be honest. It's a big part of who I am
  • But, I am a virgin
Oh Chris, the awkward silence is killing me!!!!!  AHHHHHH

Chris Conjures Conversation
  • It's never easy to respond to that
  • But I respect that in a lot of ways
  • And I would be lying if I said it surprises me
  • I think that says a lot about who you are
  • and that's the honest to God truth
Ok, now Bali is pretty.

Poor Chris isn't ready to send anyone home. Well, you don't live in Utah, you live in Iowa.  You are only allowed one wife.  Man Up, Farmer!

It has to be crazy awkward to sit in the sand, watch the waves crash, and have a camera in your face.

And Chris just got real....tears....and thoughts.

#ChrisCares #FratBoyIsGone #MarriageMaterialIsHere

OH SNAP! Chris calls Chris for some bro bonding

Even Harrison is confused that Chris could "definitely see himself with all 3 of these women"

"I feel pretty strong about one rose.  The other one, that's pretty tough."

"We haven't really talked much about Whitney.  So am I to assume you're in love with this girl?" -Harrison

deep sigh "I'm falling in love with Whitney. I guess, to just say I'm in love with her doesn't feel right yet." -Chris

"In all seriousness, this is hallowed ground. One of the most special, sacred temples in all of Bali. And with that, there are very strict rules here as far as affection is concerned.  Holding hands is ok but that's really as far as it can go, the ladies know this as well.  So please respect this holy place." -Harrison

I enjoy the colors of Bali...those Rose Ceremony outfits are pretty!

Kaitlyn really looks like Catherine Lowe!

What are those orange fluff balls on the sacred grounds?  Because I think I would like some.  In a variety of colors.

Deep sighs.....
OH NO BECCA.  Private chat!

Kaitlyn and Whitney are overjoyed....well Whitney's ovaries are about to burst and she can hardly wipe that smirk off her face.

Why are Chris and Becca whispering????
 CLEARLY he knew he was going to pull Becca away....a scarf is already on the steps!

Wow, Becca's lips barely move when she talks. #Bectrilaquist

"OH SHOOT" Kaitlyn says as she realizes Becca didn't go home
And Whitney realizes the competition is back on, and her ovaries shrink.

And Whitney just got CRAZY CATTY.

Whitney gets a rose. Becca is sad and about to cry. Kaitlyn is shocked/mad.

Whitney vs Becca in the Battle To Be Mrs. Prince Farming

And Kaitlyn is about to lose it...in an angry way.  And Harrison is taking way too long to announce the goodbye.

And Kaitlyn won't even acknowledge the girls. Or Chris

And Whitney and that DANG smirk on her face.

Chris and Kailtyn walk up those stairs with those pretty orange puffs along Kaitlyn's pink shirt.  So pretty!

I'm pretty sure Kaitlyn stole that lipstick from Britt.

HA to the rooster in the background.

Man, Kaitlyn lasted so long without tears, I thought she'd be tear free until the car ride.

Well done Kaitlyn for being the only girl to ever put on a seatbelt!

"I think Whitney's a sure thing. But I think Becca is who Chris wants." -Chris' Dad.  Oh Senior Prince Farming, you are about to be my new favorite

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