Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Prince Farming: "Just Be Mindful"

*My computer is having a panic attack so I am unable to add pictures at this time.  I'll attempt to add screenshots soon!*

We begin with the continuation of last week’s Rose Ceremony, sans Cocktail Party.
Kelsey's "panic attack" is pretty reminiscent of all of Tierra's issues (Sean Lowe's season).  Fake is a pretty great word to describe the first few moments of this episode.
While we don't exactly know much about Samantha, I'm pretty happy McKenzie went home to her little Kale chip. He probably missed his Mama, though Mama enjoyed a few weeks of carefree drinking for numerous camera people, and interviews where her thoughts oscillated between "I have a kid, I can't be a virgin" and "I like aliens & big noses on a guy".  Perhaps a "Mommy& Me: Common Knowledge In Social Settings" class would be a great activity for her. #GirlsGottaGrowUp
(outfit pics)
Let's just pause to enjoy Whitney's outfit.  Which should totally be featured as a Two Ways to Wear and/or Mirror Image (have I mentioned my friend Claire has a fashion blog?).
Britt and Kelsey have a little chat session:
Two things:
1. Oh Britt, what's up with this outfit?
(balcony pics)
2. Kelsey: "It'll be nice. I won't have to be the widow."
While "widow" doesn't need to define you now or in the future, I'm pretty sure your first husband automatically makes you a widow.
Date Card time!
Oh Becca. You seem extremely grounded and levelheaded.  As in, you are way too good for this show.  However, I am excited for your 1 on 1.  But, if looks could kill, #CounselorKelsey shot ya dead.
#CrazyCounselorKelsey was having none of that. Sidenote, pretty sure she won't be allowed back as a counselor once this season is over. Home girl has some issues.
I know it wouldn't look attractive for the cameras, but I wish Becca & Chris wore helmets while riding horses. #SafetyFirst
(couch pics)
Whitney becomes a counselor...and I'm proud of her.  However #CrazyCounselorKelsey, as a professional counselor, you should know the time/space you need. Don't shed the tears for sympathy...the gals are on to your shenanigans.  Also, how great is this shirt?!
"My mental state at that point was just so confused" oh Kelsey! Sanderson Poe passed away almost 2 years ago. Your mental state is nowhere near ready for a reality dating show!  #CounselorFail
(couch pics)
#KaraokeCarly wants none of this. And Whitty is happy.
(interview pics)
Kelsey has all this stuff to say, but really, I want to know how she tied that scarf! #ShowMeYourWays
And it's Date Card time again.
(stupid megan pics)
Megan....why are you SO FLIPPING DUMB????  We learned last week that you did not realize NEW MEXICO is ONE OF THE 50 CONTINENTAL STATES.  This week?  Oh, this week you couldn't figure out that since Becca is already on the 1 on 1, you WANT to be on the group date.  Because the group date is "safer" than the 2 on 1.  No one wants the 2 on 1.  Though I'm entertaining how amazing a date with Ashley (who made no sense and talked about pomegranates and onions and who knows what), #CrazyCounselorKelsey...the widow.  And maybe even throw in #KardAshleyian and that's just all sorts of fun waiting to happen.  Reality TV gold, if you will.
So #CounselorKelsey and #KardAshleyian are on “the dreaded 2 on 1” and all of America wishes they would get the boot.
I've noticed Whitney's voice changes based on the topic of conversation.  I find that exhausting.
#KaraokeCarly is all over this group date.  And I am shocked that Jade has that public past, because she seems so timid & shy.  Pretty sure people who are photographed half naked aren't shy.   Anyway, this was sweet in a sad way: "It's hard to write a love song about somebody when he's clearly into someone else." – Jade
I’m not sure what she’s wearing…but Britt can kind of sing.  And she’s pretty fearless!  Well done!  BUT…#KaraokeCarly STOLE. THE. SHOW!
It’s at this point I’m not sure what is worse: wearing a bikini and driving a tractor on national TV, or singing on national TV. #BothAreHorrid
Oh Kelsey, you are a little too excited about scary things.  Example: #OhYayTheBadlands
*I think in a “boy meets girl in bar” world, Chris and Britt would hit it off, date, and have a blast for a while.  But I just don’t think they are “settle down” material.*
#KardAshleyian Your wardrobe is atrocious.  You are both driving me insane.  Poor Chris.  Let’s hope he’s medicated.  I can feel the awkward tension from my couch.
#KardAshleyian makes me uncomfortable with her intense make out sessions.  Didn’t she learn that the Bachelor/ette never enjoys hearing about another suitor in a negative light?  Congrats, you just placed the nails in your no rose coffin…but that hairstyle and outfit probably helped as well.
#CrazyCounselorKelsey wasn’t crazy until 2 episodes ago, now she’s off the wall whackadoodle.
“The person that I’m going to marry, I want them to be able to handle social situations well.  Someone who people want to be around.” -Chris. 
Lordy, here it comes.  And now we know how to define “Badlands” cause it’s about to go down.
“I know what you did.  And I do not appreciate it.” -#CrazyCounselorKelsey is scaring me.  Like chop the head off of a perfect bunny to feel joy, scary.
And who in their right mind just walks around #TheBadlands for the fun of it?  Unless I can see the beauty that is Target, Chick-fil-A, or Starbucks, I’m not walking away on my own in the middle of nowhere! #KardAshleyian = Cray! & Immature
Dear Chris,  #KardAshleyian is NOT wife material. 
“It’s just so stupid that every time I’m around you I have to cry.  It’s like what?!” -#KardAshleyian
And I’m pretty sure Chris wishes he could push #KardAshleyian off a cliff.  Girl, you are so very far from emotional stability.  But maybe someone could give the girl a tissue?  Or a tranquilizer dart?
And no one wanted the suitcase of  #CrazyCounselorKelsey to remain. 
“It’s a loss” - #CrazyCounselorKesley … could your smirk be any more noticeable?
AHHHH SHE’S GETTING SENT HOME TOO?!?!?!?!?!  Although, I do have to give her some credit as she took that speech so gracefully!
Well, #TheBadlands lived up to their name on this date!  Chris leaves in a helicopter and #KardAshleyian & #CrazyCounselorKelsey go where exactly????  Does #KardAshleyian even know that Kelsey is also left behind?
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bloopers from Chris& Becca’s date.  I could see them as Mr.& Mrs.  That was cute!

Until Sunday, friends!

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