Sunday, February 15, 2015

Road trippin to Arlington!

Episode 2 of the evening!
#BringOnTheDrama #MissingTheCrazy #KardAshleyianFreeZone

So 7 girls remain at the beginning of the episode.  Not sure how the season went so quickly.  Could be because I slept fast-forwarded through a good portion of it.

And within a minute, we're down to 6 gals and Megan is gone.
#DoesSheKnowThisIsNotADate #DoesSheKnowThisIsGoodbye #GirlIsNotBright

I don't think Chris was serious about all of this until after Megan left and before the Rose Ceremony began.  He seemed distraught over the moments ahead. Bout time he stopped intense make out sessions and began realizing that production is almost over!

They are all safe for one more day!  Yay!!!  And now they ROAD TRIP to Arlington, Iowa!!!

Oh #KaraokeCarly, I LOVE your enthusiasm! 
Oh Britt, "it makes me feel honored to be invited"

I really just do not understand Britt's clothing choices.  Those sweatpants are rolled so many times it looks like she's ready to be a backup dancer for a hip hop/rap music video.

So Jade is going to Arlington, while the rest of the gals are in Des Moines, and it's getting intense. 

As Jade enjoys her ride into town, she utters the following words:
So much corn. Cows. Dirt Road. Telephone Pole.
And all I can think about is this


And when Chris shows Jade the farmland, does anyone else think of this spectacular movie moment?

Jade is not enjoying Arlington.  You can see it on her face.  She might as well just find a horse and ride on out of town. 

I do enjoy that they went to a high school football game.  Although, how far away did they have to travel to find people?  WOW to meeting the about unexpected. 

We learn that Whitney and Chris are going to explore Des Moines and Britt is beginning to unravel at a rapid pace.  This is getting fun. 

"Jade told me that she has a wild side and I really want to see.  It's something that's very important for me to see." -Chris
WELL, just Google her name and you'll see more then you bargained for.  #CarefulWhatYouWishFor

"That's what I love about you.  Is that you're a small town girl and you've got a good head on your shoulders so don't think I have much to worry about." -Chris

"We are not doing anything that has anything to do with English right now.  It's more like French." - Chris

Man, Chris is on a roll tonight with these phrases.

Jade, your lips say "I'm falling in love with Arlington" but your face does not match.

Whitney and Chris Explore Des Moines

And I have to say, this "Photograph Your Love" Date is SUPER ADORABLE!  I am totally down with this idea!

AND I think I FINALLY figured it out!  Whitney kind of reminds me of Ashlee Frazier from Sean Lowe's season.  Nice with a  touch of crazy when does doesn't get her way. 

Whitney met some of Chris' friends so now she feels like she's won every award ever given.

Never realized Whitney's Mom passed away.  That's sad.  And no relationship with her father.  That's a lot to unload in a loud, crowded bar.  "I really can't wait to call someone Mom and Dad again." Pretty sure she can still call her Dad, Dad. 

Road trip to Arlington

AND HERE WE GO!  It's #OperationArlington and the girls (Carly the ringleader, Kaitlyn the heck yes let's go, Becca the quiet one, and Britt who doesn't want to go but is afraid to miss something) escape and decided to take a road trip to Arlington.  Man, I would love to be in that car.  You know the conversation and music selection was fantastic.
#CarTunes #TrafficJams

So #OperationArlington took 3 hours of driving, and 30 seconds to see the entire town. 

#KaraokeCarly your outfit for #OperationArlington.  Not ok!

"What do people do in Arlington?" -Girls
"Go somewhere else." -Stranger aka Pastor of the Church

Jade tells Carly about Playboy. Carly's face says what everyone was thinking.
And my new favorite Carly quote:
Hey Mom!  Don't Google my wife.

Britt. Carly. Kaitlyn. It's about to get Frosty

Wow. Britt steals Chris and they walk out of the rink.  I mean that's some hardcore stealing.  I was thinking, keep the skates on and just go sit in the seats somewhere far away. 
LOVING the commentary with Kaitlyn & Carly and using hockey sticks for mics! HILARIOUS

#KaraokeCarly is using her time to throw Britt under the bus.  I mean yay for honesty, but this never goes well.  I think I want to be friends with Carly & Kaitlyn.  They are like the Lesley Murphy and Catherine G. Lowe of this season.

Oh snap. It's about to be the "Britt loses it" portion of the episode.

For the first time since #KardAshleyian & #CrazyKelsey we left in The Badlands, I can feel the tension from my couch. 

Does Britt realize that Carly & Kaitlyn can hear her?  Or does she even know how this show works?  Or that a rose ceremony will most likely take place within a few hours of them leaving this group date? 

And Britt is getting witchy.  #ProcessingOutLoudIsNotAGoodIdea

Wow, Chris can be pretty diplomatic.  Walks away when he doesn't want to deal with crazy confirmation. 

And some #KaraokeCarly favorites:
"It was so much better of an explosion than I could've ever possibly expected."
"It was a rejection.  There's no recovery from that."
"It was beautiful to watch."

#KaraokeCarly, you didn't receive the group date rose, but you do have roses on your dress. 

I'm over Britt's fake cry.  Ugh.  Get a grip.

Thanks to previews, we know Kaitlyn, Becca, and Jade receive Hometown Dates.
So...that's the fate of Whitney, Carly, and Britt left until tomorrow...

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