Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chris Tells "All"

*and by "all", that means Day 1 to this episode.  Because clearly he won't share spoilers
We begin Episode 1 of 3 in a 24 hour span with #CrazyKelsey talking to Harrison.  Kelsey, we already know you're a little crazy, but wearing a white dress?  Come on!  It's like a "day of wedding run around" dress or a "wedding rehearsal on a beach" dress.
 Favorite words/phrases Kelsey used while speaking with Harrison:
  • Am I really that controversial?  Really?
  • emotionally tumultuous
  • amassing
  • motor movements
  • malintention (not a word)
Funny things Prince Farming uttered while speaking with Harrison:
  • She should not have had a firearm (re: crazy onion/pomegranate Ashley S)
  • I get it.  I suck at speeches. I farm. I don't give speeches. (re: Costco & Kimmel w/Kaitlyn)
  • I'm trying to find the right one for me. And doing the best job that I can possibly do at that, and part of that is kissing. (re: kissing Britt)

For what it's worth - I think this episode was a bigger waste of time than the actual Monday night show.  Ugh.

#KaraokeCarley & Kaitlyn are pretty much my favorites based on comedic value and verbalizing what everyone is thinking!

Dear ABC,
Forget "Lead Tells All" episodes.  I want an hour of bloopers!  Heck, even 2 hours of bloopers! 
#BringOnTheBachelorBloopers #TheWholeShowIsABlooper

*I did not watch the Andi interview because I know nothing about Andi & Josh other then she was the B'ette, she picked him, he got down on one knee, they went to the stupid Bachelor Red Carpet event, and announced a split 3 days later.

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