Monday, February 4, 2013

#5 Row a Boat. Milk a Goat. Cry for a Rose.

Dear Sean,
Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with this?

Moving on....
I'd like to know what makes a helicopter "bad ass"? I'm thinking wedding dress Lindsay is a bit too "young"....she just seems too immature and obnoxious in a "young" way.

I think Sean knew the Ravens were going to win the Super Bowl....purple shirt, black zip up hoodie. Nice!

Anyway....that concert looks mighty familiar. However the Emily & Ryan Gloriana concert was warmer weather & better music. :)

Poor silent Jackie having to go on a 2 on 1 with Tierra.

First, maybe it's my hometown roots coming out but I love goats!!! Family friends had goats and they were adorable! Leslie M is too funny. Poor girls canoeing! That is hard. Flashbacks of RA training w the Irishman. Crazy times. Anyway, this date is too funny! You go Sarah & Dez! But I do feel bad for these poor goats! And Dez who is drinking goats milk followed by champagne...yuck!

So Robyn is the only one on the winning team who hasn't had a 1 on 1. The bar is named Casey's....I can't be the only one thinking it would be hilarious if Kacie B. made an appearance. I think deep down Sean knows Leslie and Catherine are awesome so he wants to invite them back!!!

I think I'd be scared to read what Tierra is's probably death threats titled 50 Shades of Crazy. And did Tierra put on one of the shirts from the competition she wasn't invited to when she stalked Sean at a bar she wasn't invited to? Whackadoodle! And really it's cold, the cameras are going to follow you regardless so talk inside you crazy girl.

I also think in group settings, each participant should get a timer. If they use all their time, great. If not, their fault. So 4 girls at 10 mins each is 40 minutes on Sean's clock.

I just adore Catherine & Sean!!!! They are just so happy giggly giddy sweet together! And he dropped the L a cute setting. Power to Daniella for not led to the sympathy think, I pegged you as going home today.

Have the chosen ones for the 2 on 1 ever despised each other as much as Tierra & Jackie despise each other?! I can feel the tension through the tv! Poor Jackie...honesty never works out when confronting the crazies!

Again, Tierra is the only one that eats! As sad as the snippet of the story was, your previous relationship does not make me like you. Well done in opening up but you are still 25 levels above regular crazy.

I think if Sean looks back and regrets any rose ceremony throughout his season, it would be this 2 on 1 rose.

I love how honest Sean is with the whole "why would you be worried?"

Dear Tierra,
Could your skirts get ant shorter. Geez!

Dear Robyn,
Squash her like a bug. Ha....makes me think of Kacie B & Courtney

Dear Girls of the house,
Well done on confronting the crazy. one is threatening you and I really hope someone played that tape back for Sean and he steals your rose! And girl, after this man will want to propose to you.

Oh snap! Way to put Leslie in a bad spot. That's like straight up friend zone ... Ask the girl who works in DC and can give you a PC answer instead of what America wants to say "Sean, Tierra is bat shit crazy. Run far away and don't look back. Check under your bed and in your closets at night because she'll probably haunt you." I'd hate to be in Leslie's shoes right now.

You can tell Catherine & Dez really like Sean based on their expressions during Chris Harrison's pre rose ceremony speech. Making Dez go through the crazy of the final rose hurts my heart! But since we saw a preview of her and boyfriend that hasn't aired in an episode, it really wasn't scary for home viewers like it was for her at the time. :)

I wonder if Tierra sits on her couch each Monday and watches not only how high her eyebrow will rise but also how mean she is. Like the 3 & 5 year old girls I babysit would say: "She needs Jesus in her heart."

MYSTERY LETTER at the proposal spot?!?!?!?!?!?

"Sometimes love can be a hectic journey. But it's the journey that creates love."
-Sean Lowe

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