Tuesday, February 5, 2013

#6 Snowy Thoughts, Attention Caught

Welcome to week 5, episode 2 for the week of my random thoughts!
I'd hop on a plane to Lake Louise in a heartbeat!  Goodness this place is gorgeous!
It has to be weird standing on a mountaintop gazing at Lake Louise all alone (minus the camera crew)
Oh AshLee!  You are pretty much the mom of the house.

Dear Daniella,
You are on The Bachelor. How dare you underestimate the date planning crew?!?  Of course the date will be awesome. Really though, if you're there for the right reasons you should be happy enough sitting outside in a rocking chair or lounging on a comfy couch enjoying 1 on 1 time. 1 on 1 time is a hot commodity....I'd be pumped if the date card said "Let's go to Target, just you and me!"

Does this remind anyone of when Ali left whoever it was on the snowy mountain and the helicopter flew away?
Poor Catherine, I'm cold for you!
I can't believe Sean is driving a snow bus (yet couldn't drive a Jeep)! This date is super cute!!!
I'm really wanting Sean to just flat out say "Ladies, y'all can finish this journey but Catherine & I are headed back to Dallas"
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lowe!
Dez has two 1 on 1s and Daniella who needs to go, is sad because she is queen of the group dates.

Oh Sean....the roses are part of the show. They kind of all mean the same thing. :)

I'm all for canoes and the scenery is stunning but canoeing when it is freezing is just whack!  What if you tip....you're cold and wet and cold.

Ok. I think I choose drinking goats milk over jumping into FREEZING water. Goodness this isn't a good idea. Selma is now the smartest for not doing this.
This polar bear plunge is like a Bachelor baptism...starting over.
I'm sad Sean said the girls didn't have to plunge and gave Selma flack for her decision. She's funny!
Oh Tierra! Saying "I'm scared for how I'm going to act afterwards" is basically announcing you're going to go the over exaggerated route and it'll be the stairwell all over again.
Everyone was in and out with no problem and happy. Proves Tierra doesn't know how to be happy. And the pouty face with the hot beverage....send this girl to Hollywood!
DRAMA! Party of 1!

Catherine & Dez.  They are good people!
If you're eating a sandwich.....you don't need oxygen and you can put on your own socks.

Sarah is sweet but I just can't handle her whiny voice.

Sean & Leslie.  They hold a Guinness World Record and membership to the Lake Louise Polar Bear Plunge Club. What accomplishments!

Talk about hearing a pin drop when Tierra walks in. Anyone remember the "be the person who lights up a room on the way in, not the way out" quote? Well Tierra is lights out.
You took a hot shower, dried your hair, walked to the date....you're fine.

Tierrarist. That's funny!
I've got to give Sean credit. He's good at breaking up with girls. Very positive in his letdown. However, your heart has to break for Sarah. Girl jumped in ice and was sent packing a few hours later.
I hope this sweater stayed in Canada.
Ok Dez & Sean climbing trees is as adorable as Catherine & Sean playing in the snow.
Good for Dez. Going from living in a tent to living in LA. Just goes to show you that love and family should always come before money. I just love Dez's heart!!
What the heck Selma?! Way to shame your family.
Ugh! Lindsay's whiny voice just needs to go! I cannot believe she admitted on national television she doesn't believe in pj's. Her parents must be proud as well.
AshLee you are so emotional. I can't control how emotional you are. The scarf blindfold thing was just weird. I mean power to you for having a bad hand dealt but rising above. We all know you've been through a lot but I just worry about your future.
Welp....I guess Selma shamed her family for nothing. I'd like to think America let out a collective "oh no he didn't just give the Tierrarist a rose" when it was shown that Tierra was staying. Yikes. We all know Tierra has got to know by now that her time is limited. All the crazy, only group dates and Dez has had two 1 on 1s. Yea....you're too whacked out Tierra.
This has been a daring/dangerous season ... Falling off buildings, Roller derby, drinking milk straight out of a goat and now, swimming in ice. Sheesh!

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