Monday, February 18, 2013

#8 Your home is where his heart might not be

Hometown dates.
This seems to always be a major turning point.
We had Ali's season with the taxidermist basement...and that guy went home.
Brad's season where he laid on an embalming table and maybe Shantal went home?
Ashley H's season I don't remember hometowns.
Ben's season where Mr. I own a winery met the family of Kacie B. Yep, the "we don't condone drinking & live in a dry county" family and boom, Kacie B was sent packing.
Which brings us to Emily sending home Chris....aka "on a scale of 1 to polish, I'm polish".
The love of family! It's make or break people!
Sure you marry the son/daughter but the parents and siblings are going to sit at your Thanksgiving table, 4th of July BBQ and be in the audience during your child's first school assembly.
Was Sean dropped off in the middle of a field for this one?
I wonder how Sean feels about AshLee basically saying Sean is a younger version of her Dad.  I'm kind of scared of AshLee's parents...not exactly warm & welcoming right now.
I take that back....they are kind of funny.
I like that Sean asked her Dad about the whole marriage at 17 thing. Good convo.
Dang, I just love Sean's questions and parental conversations!
I do think AshLee is focused on getting married like Emily was focused on having more babies.

Are you going to break her heart" well of course! It's a TV dating show! 25 hearts will be broken

Yep. Sean's not only catching Catherine's heart but now fish too!
Catching fish was too funny! Now I want to go to Seattle to watch all of this in person!
"It's slippery" "I know, it's a fish" those boys were funny!
Goodness could these two be anymore adorable?
However, have they smelled like fish all day? I saw some guts fly out of the fish Sean caught....crazy splatter!
Now this was like listening to my Gramma speak.  Ya know, if I was either the star of a dating show on one of the contestants on said show:
"Handsome. I'm going to get him"
Catherine's sisters remind me of Ashley H's sister.....negative.
I do like how well spoken and intelligent Catherine is. Very level headed.
Aahhhhh Catherine's family is bringing me back to Arie & Kacie B's family visits.
It's not looking good folks.

 I really wish they bought this Pledge of Allegiance Banner!
With a 2 star general as a father, you'd think Lindsay's Dad would have her in voice boot camp. Normal, strong voice not whiny baby voice.
Her hometown is cute!!!!! But this has got to be an intimidating meet and greet!
This face says "Oh my, please tell me you didn't wear a wedding dress?!"
I love that Lindsay's Dad has a mini bar and uses coasters.
Her dad is funny! He's very Michael Holden of Army Wives!
I'm sad I like Lindsay's family but not Lindsay.
Who else wanted to meet Tierra's family just to see if they still had sparkle?  Or what they were like.  Are they normal? Are they crazy? Do they live in a house? Or the woods?  I mean she was pretty much raised by wolves based on her behavior!
Desiree. aka Des. aka I've been spelling it 'Dez"
I love how excited Dez is to see Sean!!!! They are precious!!
I love that for the 2nd time, they've made dinner together!
This is when America yelled "OH SNAP!"
I'm talking straight up scandalous!
I have to wonder what Sean would say if the cameras weren't rolling.
Way to stay composed. Your mama should be proud!
That was a bit too intense.
Jerk. Party of 1
Goodness. I take back what I said about Catherine's sisters. Dez' brother is evil!
Can't believe he used the phrase "mind if I holla at you" WHAT!
Sean is so political with his responses in a positive way yet Dez' bro won't quit with the grilling on the questions.
Pretty certain bro is the playboy not Sean!
I wish Dez didn't invite her bro to this meet & greet. He has completely ruined the mood.
That date did not end well.
This rose ceremony deserved the infamous "most dramatic yet" intro.
Dear AshLee,
This is a cute dress but it is too tight!

Lindsay is trying to channel Kacie B with her dress choice but I think we can all agree that Kacie B wore it better.

If Sean picks Catherine or Desiree to be Mrs. Sean Lowe and they watch that they were on the chopping block after hometowns....that'll be fun.

It makes me sad that my favorite 2 of the remaining 4 are on the chopping block.

Oh Dez. Scary times to have a side chat. But why are you whispering??

SEAN!!!! How dare you walk away in silence!
"My advice to you is to get this right"
well thank you Chris Harrison.

"That was helpful!" -said no one watching
Oh sweet Dez. Sorry your brother is such a jerk and ruined this for you.
This was the saddest rose ceremony ever.
Sean sending Dez home was like Emily sending Sean home.
Did anyone else notice that Desiree wore a SPARKLY dress and Sean sent her sparkle away?
I am SUPER pumped for SEAN TELLS ALL!!!!

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