Monday, February 25, 2013

#10 Mai Thai, No Cry Bye

This is how tonight's post is going to go:
Let's join this journey of love Sean is on, shall we?
A place I'd like to visit.
Sean discovers sunglasses
I like how Sean brings the girls outside of their comfort zones. It's good team building.
Have I mentioned lately how much I'm just not a Lindsay fan?
However, I would not eat bugs either...but we all know I'd have a granola bar and some almonds in my bag anyway so I wouldn't need to resort to nourishment from something that I'
d step on or swat.
Loving the evening portion of the date.
Great scenery. It's like Christmas lights meets State Fair meets elegance and culture.
And of course....Lindsay is saved from dropping the L bomb by traditional Thai dancers.
I'm not convinced Sean likes Lindsay and I realize I miss Des. And Leslie.
She talks a lot. I mean I really wonder what is going through AshLee's head as she watches herself on the show with the rest of America.

I'd also like to know how many times AshLee has said "abandonment" this season.
Jimmy Kimmel has an "amazing" tally....anyone have an "abandonment" tally?
Does she not realize that caves don't come with maps?
They're kind of like life. Bright and dark, in and out, beautiful.
I wish the cave audio was better and really,I can understand her concern....I mean goats milk, ice swimming, building rappelling.....crazy dates!  Loch Ness monster is probably waiting in that dark water.
I will say the cave itself doesn't bother's what's living in the water that freaks me out.
Does AshLee's necklace say "gymnast"?
I'm sad their is a severe weather center warning scrolling across the screen and I can't read the feature tweets.
So I suppose AshLee saying she "doesn't take getting engaged lightly" must be a new motto for her Miss Married at 17.
Oh AshLee! Dropping the ring size and features....Girl, you CRAY!
Unless it is a family heirloom, I think the man should pick/design the ring!

Catherine.She wins the award for happiest to see Sean.
Is it just me, or has Sean only brushed the hair out of Cathrine's eyes? Nice!
I like that Sean seems to be the only lead to think about life after the cameras. He knows real life is coming soon.
I also think he only pulled out Catherine's chair. Lindsay & AshLee sat themselves.
Catherine really is half goofy half serious...not really a middle ground.
I like how Catherine speaks to Sean's character, not his looks.
In 50 years, you won't have all the muscles but you'll still have a great sense of humor and the ability to communicate.
Before the rose ceremony.
I just realized I participated in Emily & Ryan's 1 on 1 (first of season) which was March 16, 2012. That means Sean was sent home end of May maybe.....and his season ended November 16, 2012? Homeboy had "27 girlfriends" in 8 months. Dang!
However, just like Brad....Sean dodged a bullet with Emily. She seems sweet but I personally think she changed herself too much to appeal to Hollywood....but I don't know the gal so hopefully I'm incorrect.

Back to Sean!
Movie messages
Can we please give the man a chair?
Maybe some popcorn?

He seems happiest with Lindsay's message.
Crazy emotional over Catherine's message.
And fed up w abandonment repetition from AshLee's message. Nail in the emotional coffin.
Rose Ceremony.
AshLee. Your boobies are crazy. Modesty woman! 
I think AshLee's necklace covers more area than the fabric for her boobs.
I do like the necklace.
I expected tears like raindrops from AshLee when Catherine's name was called.  As in an all out sob fest.
Des' goodbye reaction was heartbreaking. AshLee's is just harsh.
This gal is freaking stone cold. I'm shocked she hasn't broken down!
Though I am getting the Tierra psycho vibe from AshLee now.

Mystery Proposal LetterIt's gonna be from Mama Lowe! I'm thinking it goes a little something like this:
We love you, support you and know you'll make the right decision.
God brought you here and He'll continue to guide your steps.  
We know God has picked an amazing wife for you and we believe it is Catherine.
Regardless of who you pick, thank you for this awesome trip to Thailand and for not making your family eat bugs or swim thorough a dark cave.
Love Always,


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