Monday, February 11, 2013

#7 Sister, Self Sabatoge from Sunrise to Sunset

Oh Tierra, here we go again!  If you're "not friends with girls who like your boyfriends" not only are you insecure but you are on the wrong show!

This face says "I want a 1 on 1! Dez has had 2 and now AshLee. Wonder what "emergency" I should have so I get a 1 on 1?
How is AshLee a cougar? She's 32 and looks 25. Tierra is 24 but acts 5 so really, age is just a number.
I think Sean looks to AshLee for sisterly advice.
I think Sean looks to AshLee for sisterly advice.  She's wise.

I love how Catherine tried to be excited to read Tierra's name on the date card. I'd also like to point out that Tierra is naturally pretty but her attitude ruins her natural pretty complexion.

But really FINALLY get a 1 on 1 and you're going to complain about bugs and make up and that you wanted something extravagant. Yea. If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

This is not exactly the face of someone who is excited to FINALLY have a 1 on 1 date.

Woah AshLee! Married at 17. Didn't see that one coming.
"that's.........young"-Sean Lowe
As wonderful as Sean is, I kind of think, even though he accepts it and is 125% reassuring and wonderful, AshLee is just a little too much for him.
Oh snap....Tierra's 1 on 1.
This face doesn't want to be left alone with the Tierrarist!

Tierra is so materialistic. It bothers me. Oh I love how Sean just asks what's up with everyone! No secrets here.
I think Sean is starting to realize Tierra is crazy....he doesn't seem in to this dinner at all.
I wanted Sean to say "we are behind because you either fall down stairs or freak out when water is freezing"
Can we take note that it is freaking early!!!!

I adore Catherine's line of "I just need to pee and I'm ready"
I like the idea of a sunrise to sunset road trip!'s official. St Croix has the coolest tree house!
Oh Catherine. I like how straight faced your stories eye contact = no tears. I get it!
Wasn't thinking Lindsay would get the group rose. She's one saw that coming.
Lesley, first....I've been spelling your name incorrectly so my apologies!
Apparently avocados in St Croix are different compared to what's in a NC Harris Teeter.
Lesley, I do think you two would be a great best guy best girl friend combo. I think too much time has elapsed. It appears that you have moved to the "I've got tickets to the UNC vs Duke game in the Dean Dome, center in?" category, not the "I want to grow old with you and have your babies" category.  That makes me sad.  But you do have a Guinness World Record for kissing!
Shay & Sean. Loving that they are so flat out honest! can't blame distance on AshLee.
Oh snap AshLee! BRING. IT. ON!
"I don't want to be watching the show unfold going 'NO not that one' and you end up with her"- Shay Shull, you are my hero!  Too funny!!!!
"AshLee that's my face. I can't help it."
Tierra. America now knows you can't control your eyebrow but you can control your attitude. Get it together.
Tierra how dare you tell AshLee that you've been through a lot. Have you heard that girls story?. Again...Tierra is selfish.
And of course on cue, Tierra cries.

Sean has admitted that AshLee has the biggest heart and I think the girls like her so really, throwing her under the bus is dumb. Funny that when crying, your eyebrow is fine.
I love that Tierra pretty much knows with Sean sitting so close she can't automatically go into some medical "emergency" stunt.
BOOM sent packing!!!!
Hope Shay waves to her & throws glitter to celebrate!  Since ya know, the girls stole Tierra's 'sparkle'
I like that Sean sent Tierra home in a private setting but I would've loved to watch her name not get called and have no one want to say their goodbyes to her...since she didn't want to say goodbye to anyone.  And really.....start to take responsibility for you. Don't blame shortcomings and misfortunes on others.
Wow! Rose ceremony starts and the girls didn't even know Tierra was already on a plane.
"No cocktail party" has to be scary to hear after all that went down in St Croix.
Lesley! You didn't get the rose but you'll get basketball/football tickets. You and Sean shall be sports bffs.
Poor Catherine lost her house buddy.
 But she still has sunrise memories.



I want to attend "Jammie Cocoa Christmas" with the Lowe family...they are adorable!
I do think this season has FLOWN by! I mean seriously....hometowns next week. Wow!  AND according to my lovely DVR, Tuesday is a special "Sean Lowe spills the beans" show!  Woo Hoo!

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