Monday, March 4, 2013

#11 He says, She says..and other amusing moments

Ok so does anyone else think that when Sean & Chris Harrison hang out they channel their inner frat boy.?  They are all "alright man, let's party!"  And now, visiting the sorority house is the icing on the cake!
Sean's looks.
New haircut
Needs haircut 
Hair has style
Fresh shaven
Not shaven
Sun exposure
Not enough sun
Endless possibilities with what you'll see!
Gotta hand it to hair & makeup on this show...the divot in Tierra's forehead was gone.
Women Intro Observations:Ashley.
You were gone the 1st night gone because you were drunk and more interested in a necktie.  Why are you here?!?!

Still looks bored

Don't remember you.

Looks great!  She was frumpy during filming but pulled it together for WTA.

Still think she's quiet yet sophisticated

Kacie B.
This is not your first WTA: control the hair!

Leslie H
Stunning.  Hasn't changed

no change

Doesn't look old

hasn't changed

looks happy


looks mature

looks so lively and happy!!!

Just plain adorable! Always looks cute


hair got some body and looks great!

Quotes of the night
Dang! Lesley had some amazing one liners! She invented "tierrarist" and called AshLee a "total control freak"

"Ya gotta hide your crazy." -Selma re Tierra
"Tierra's sparkle didn't sparkle that big and it never did the entire season." -Lesley
"When I walk into a room I bring this joy and smile and I'm happy." -Tierra
**Yes, you could hear eyes roll when she said that!
"Not right or wrong, it's your way."-Chris Harrison to Tierra
"Why not make best friends but just be friendly? Just hang." -Chris Harrison to Tierra

"I was very consistent throughout the season." -Tierra (yea consistently crazy!)
"I don't know you outside of the show. Is this normal? Are you normally misunderstood in life?" - Chris Harrison to Tierra
"You're disillusional." -Robyn to Tierra

"I can't remember everything that happened." -Tierra
***Really....Tierra just doesn't get it. You want an example of things you did wrong? Honey you were filmed 24/7 for roughly 8 weeks.....ABC has plenty of examples!
"Tierra made her own bed, her own cot...what have you." -Lesley
"Who cares about my eyebrow?" -Tierra
"America does!" -Chris Harrison
"Only on The Bachelor are you going to develop 3 relationships at one time and fall in love with 3 separate women." -Sean Lowe

"I think about her and I smile." -Sean about Des
General Observations:

Ashlee looks & sounds different
Tierras forehead has been altered.

Des would make a great bachelorette!!! As would Lesley!

Brooke. Where'd she come from?! She was around for what....3 episodes. Girl, you don't get to talk about what you missed once voted off.
Robyn. She would also make a great B'ette. Funny girl! Smart too!
Even Chris Harrison doesn't like Tierra and he's supposed to like everyone!
Were we supposed to see the stagehand give Tierra instructions and countdown?
Dang to awkward SILENCE!!!! Not going to lie. Thought we'd catch Tierra looking for Sean instead of talking to Chris!
If Tierra had a good heart and great character....she would've chosen to rise above, make the best of the situation or remove herself from it.
The first rose was not the target on Tierra's back. Kacie B had knowledge of how things work and was a surprise add on and she didn't have a target. Not only that, as Sean continued to hand out roses throughout the evening, Tierras rose lost its sparkle :)
I think Tierra bullied her fiance into proposing so she could flash a ring in front of everyone.
Ok Brooke. You didn't last long but you called Tierra out! Well done! You're right, she didn't want to be friends with the girls and made that clear so she needs to stop playing the victim card.
The connection between Sean and Tierra was always on the side of a medical emergency!
AshLee is a feisty gal.

Tierra just doesn't understand.
Lesley. Again, always giving the delicately worded yet amazing answer!
Oh Chris H. I adore your questions regarding the rock on Tierras finger.
  I too would like to know why is getting engaged in January is a big secret?
Tierras theme song should be:
Don't be fooled by the rock that I got, I'm still Tierra and I slept on a cot
Looking back, Sean and Sara would be cute together...and I do think if they met at a dog park, they'd date but on a show with 26 other women it just wasn't right.
Goodness I loved the idea of Des & Sean!!!! seriously, the goodbye still breaks my heart.
She's so eloquent.
Major style change. Blown out wavy ombre look. Entire face looks different.
She even sounds different.  What gives?
Dude. AshLee is getting mean. Her responses are a prime example as to who Sean doesn't want to grow old with.  Girlfriend has some serious psycho in her highly organized life.
Sean.  You are still so sweet....even when you walk in to a room full of tension and stares.
Gotta give you props to commenting on AshLee's "beautiful" hair.
Sean is honest, yet has the same feelings for multiple people.
Why would he "come check on" AshLee....she left in silence....why check in?
We all know AshLee has some control issue. And abandonment....which she hasn't said yet this episode! 
Sean. You are a class act while AshLee drives the crazy train. Give it up girl!

Why all the footage before "action"?

"I think about her and I smile." -Sean about Des.
Frankly, that sounds like someone to grow old with if ya ask me!
However, even if it wasn't sincere, Des and Sean were so cordial in their wishes!
I would like to see a WTA with Catherine & Lindsay.  ATFR doesn't count because that is a different atmosphere.  Bloopers.  I'd also like to see more bloopers!
If the Bachelor was real life....could you imagine gathering all the people you dated before you met "the one" rehashing the good, bad and ugly and ending with some variation of "finally found the best"?!?!

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