Monday, February 25, 2013

#10 Mai Thai, No Cry Bye

This is how tonight's post is going to go:
Let's join this journey of love Sean is on, shall we?
A place I'd like to visit.
Sean discovers sunglasses
I like how Sean brings the girls outside of their comfort zones. It's good team building.
Have I mentioned lately how much I'm just not a Lindsay fan?
However, I would not eat bugs either...but we all know I'd have a granola bar and some almonds in my bag anyway so I wouldn't need to resort to nourishment from something that I'
d step on or swat.
Loving the evening portion of the date.
Great scenery. It's like Christmas lights meets State Fair meets elegance and culture.
And of course....Lindsay is saved from dropping the L bomb by traditional Thai dancers.
I'm not convinced Sean likes Lindsay and I realize I miss Des. And Leslie.
She talks a lot. I mean I really wonder what is going through AshLee's head as she watches herself on the show with the rest of America.

I'd also like to know how many times AshLee has said "abandonment" this season.
Jimmy Kimmel has an "amazing" tally....anyone have an "abandonment" tally?
Does she not realize that caves don't come with maps?
They're kind of like life. Bright and dark, in and out, beautiful.
I wish the cave audio was better and really,I can understand her concern....I mean goats milk, ice swimming, building rappelling.....crazy dates!  Loch Ness monster is probably waiting in that dark water.
I will say the cave itself doesn't bother's what's living in the water that freaks me out.
Does AshLee's necklace say "gymnast"?
I'm sad their is a severe weather center warning scrolling across the screen and I can't read the feature tweets.
So I suppose AshLee saying she "doesn't take getting engaged lightly" must be a new motto for her Miss Married at 17.
Oh AshLee! Dropping the ring size and features....Girl, you CRAY!
Unless it is a family heirloom, I think the man should pick/design the ring!

Catherine.She wins the award for happiest to see Sean.
Is it just me, or has Sean only brushed the hair out of Cathrine's eyes? Nice!
I like that Sean seems to be the only lead to think about life after the cameras. He knows real life is coming soon.
I also think he only pulled out Catherine's chair. Lindsay & AshLee sat themselves.
Catherine really is half goofy half serious...not really a middle ground.
I like how Catherine speaks to Sean's character, not his looks.
In 50 years, you won't have all the muscles but you'll still have a great sense of humor and the ability to communicate.
Before the rose ceremony.
I just realized I participated in Emily & Ryan's 1 on 1 (first of season) which was March 16, 2012. That means Sean was sent home end of May maybe.....and his season ended November 16, 2012? Homeboy had "27 girlfriends" in 8 months. Dang!
However, just like Brad....Sean dodged a bullet with Emily. She seems sweet but I personally think she changed herself too much to appeal to Hollywood....but I don't know the gal so hopefully I'm incorrect.

Back to Sean!
Movie messages
Can we please give the man a chair?
Maybe some popcorn?

He seems happiest with Lindsay's message.
Crazy emotional over Catherine's message.
And fed up w abandonment repetition from AshLee's message. Nail in the emotional coffin.
Rose Ceremony.
AshLee. Your boobies are crazy. Modesty woman! 
I think AshLee's necklace covers more area than the fabric for her boobs.
I do like the necklace.
I expected tears like raindrops from AshLee when Catherine's name was called.  As in an all out sob fest.
Des' goodbye reaction was heartbreaking. AshLee's is just harsh.
This gal is freaking stone cold. I'm shocked she hasn't broken down!
Though I am getting the Tierra psycho vibe from AshLee now.

Mystery Proposal LetterIt's gonna be from Mama Lowe! I'm thinking it goes a little something like this:
We love you, support you and know you'll make the right decision.
God brought you here and He'll continue to guide your steps.  
We know God has picked an amazing wife for you and we believe it is Catherine.
Regardless of who you pick, thank you for this awesome trip to Thailand and for not making your family eat bugs or swim thorough a dark cave.
Love Always,


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

#9 Sean Says...

Sean answered a few questions and posed a few more.  But really, the only thing we need to remember is this fine quote from the Bachelor himself:
"Tierra never should have come on this show. She's not suited for this show. She doesn't know how to handle herself in this environment."
Neither does her eyebrow, Sean...neither does her eyebrow.

Also, how amazing was this picture of the Tierrabear???

check out those chompers

Monday, February 18, 2013

#8 Your home is where his heart might not be

Hometown dates.
This seems to always be a major turning point.
We had Ali's season with the taxidermist basement...and that guy went home.
Brad's season where he laid on an embalming table and maybe Shantal went home?
Ashley H's season I don't remember hometowns.
Ben's season where Mr. I own a winery met the family of Kacie B. Yep, the "we don't condone drinking & live in a dry county" family and boom, Kacie B was sent packing.
Which brings us to Emily sending home Chris....aka "on a scale of 1 to polish, I'm polish".
The love of family! It's make or break people!
Sure you marry the son/daughter but the parents and siblings are going to sit at your Thanksgiving table, 4th of July BBQ and be in the audience during your child's first school assembly.
Was Sean dropped off in the middle of a field for this one?
I wonder how Sean feels about AshLee basically saying Sean is a younger version of her Dad.  I'm kind of scared of AshLee's parents...not exactly warm & welcoming right now.
I take that back....they are kind of funny.
I like that Sean asked her Dad about the whole marriage at 17 thing. Good convo.
Dang, I just love Sean's questions and parental conversations!
I do think AshLee is focused on getting married like Emily was focused on having more babies.

Are you going to break her heart" well of course! It's a TV dating show! 25 hearts will be broken

Yep. Sean's not only catching Catherine's heart but now fish too!
Catching fish was too funny! Now I want to go to Seattle to watch all of this in person!
"It's slippery" "I know, it's a fish" those boys were funny!
Goodness could these two be anymore adorable?
However, have they smelled like fish all day? I saw some guts fly out of the fish Sean caught....crazy splatter!
Now this was like listening to my Gramma speak.  Ya know, if I was either the star of a dating show on one of the contestants on said show:
"Handsome. I'm going to get him"
Catherine's sisters remind me of Ashley H's sister.....negative.
I do like how well spoken and intelligent Catherine is. Very level headed.
Aahhhhh Catherine's family is bringing me back to Arie & Kacie B's family visits.
It's not looking good folks.

 I really wish they bought this Pledge of Allegiance Banner!
With a 2 star general as a father, you'd think Lindsay's Dad would have her in voice boot camp. Normal, strong voice not whiny baby voice.
Her hometown is cute!!!!! But this has got to be an intimidating meet and greet!
This face says "Oh my, please tell me you didn't wear a wedding dress?!"
I love that Lindsay's Dad has a mini bar and uses coasters.
Her dad is funny! He's very Michael Holden of Army Wives!
I'm sad I like Lindsay's family but not Lindsay.
Who else wanted to meet Tierra's family just to see if they still had sparkle?  Or what they were like.  Are they normal? Are they crazy? Do they live in a house? Or the woods?  I mean she was pretty much raised by wolves based on her behavior!
Desiree. aka Des. aka I've been spelling it 'Dez"
I love how excited Dez is to see Sean!!!! They are precious!!
I love that for the 2nd time, they've made dinner together!
This is when America yelled "OH SNAP!"
I'm talking straight up scandalous!
I have to wonder what Sean would say if the cameras weren't rolling.
Way to stay composed. Your mama should be proud!
That was a bit too intense.
Jerk. Party of 1
Goodness. I take back what I said about Catherine's sisters. Dez' brother is evil!
Can't believe he used the phrase "mind if I holla at you" WHAT!
Sean is so political with his responses in a positive way yet Dez' bro won't quit with the grilling on the questions.
Pretty certain bro is the playboy not Sean!
I wish Dez didn't invite her bro to this meet & greet. He has completely ruined the mood.
That date did not end well.
This rose ceremony deserved the infamous "most dramatic yet" intro.
Dear AshLee,
This is a cute dress but it is too tight!

Lindsay is trying to channel Kacie B with her dress choice but I think we can all agree that Kacie B wore it better.

If Sean picks Catherine or Desiree to be Mrs. Sean Lowe and they watch that they were on the chopping block after hometowns....that'll be fun.

It makes me sad that my favorite 2 of the remaining 4 are on the chopping block.

Oh Dez. Scary times to have a side chat. But why are you whispering??

SEAN!!!! How dare you walk away in silence!
"My advice to you is to get this right"
well thank you Chris Harrison.

"That was helpful!" -said no one watching
Oh sweet Dez. Sorry your brother is such a jerk and ruined this for you.
This was the saddest rose ceremony ever.
Sean sending Dez home was like Emily sending Sean home.
Did anyone else notice that Desiree wore a SPARKLY dress and Sean sent her sparkle away?
I am SUPER pumped for SEAN TELLS ALL!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

#7 Sister, Self Sabatoge from Sunrise to Sunset

Oh Tierra, here we go again!  If you're "not friends with girls who like your boyfriends" not only are you insecure but you are on the wrong show!

This face says "I want a 1 on 1! Dez has had 2 and now AshLee. Wonder what "emergency" I should have so I get a 1 on 1?
How is AshLee a cougar? She's 32 and looks 25. Tierra is 24 but acts 5 so really, age is just a number.
I think Sean looks to AshLee for sisterly advice.
I think Sean looks to AshLee for sisterly advice.  She's wise.

I love how Catherine tried to be excited to read Tierra's name on the date card. I'd also like to point out that Tierra is naturally pretty but her attitude ruins her natural pretty complexion.

But really FINALLY get a 1 on 1 and you're going to complain about bugs and make up and that you wanted something extravagant. Yea. If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

This is not exactly the face of someone who is excited to FINALLY have a 1 on 1 date.

Woah AshLee! Married at 17. Didn't see that one coming.
"that's.........young"-Sean Lowe
As wonderful as Sean is, I kind of think, even though he accepts it and is 125% reassuring and wonderful, AshLee is just a little too much for him.
Oh snap....Tierra's 1 on 1.
This face doesn't want to be left alone with the Tierrarist!

Tierra is so materialistic. It bothers me. Oh I love how Sean just asks what's up with everyone! No secrets here.
I think Sean is starting to realize Tierra is crazy....he doesn't seem in to this dinner at all.
I wanted Sean to say "we are behind because you either fall down stairs or freak out when water is freezing"
Can we take note that it is freaking early!!!!

I adore Catherine's line of "I just need to pee and I'm ready"
I like the idea of a sunrise to sunset road trip!'s official. St Croix has the coolest tree house!
Oh Catherine. I like how straight faced your stories eye contact = no tears. I get it!
Wasn't thinking Lindsay would get the group rose. She's one saw that coming.
Lesley, first....I've been spelling your name incorrectly so my apologies!
Apparently avocados in St Croix are different compared to what's in a NC Harris Teeter.
Lesley, I do think you two would be a great best guy best girl friend combo. I think too much time has elapsed. It appears that you have moved to the "I've got tickets to the UNC vs Duke game in the Dean Dome, center in?" category, not the "I want to grow old with you and have your babies" category.  That makes me sad.  But you do have a Guinness World Record for kissing!
Shay & Sean. Loving that they are so flat out honest! can't blame distance on AshLee.
Oh snap AshLee! BRING. IT. ON!
"I don't want to be watching the show unfold going 'NO not that one' and you end up with her"- Shay Shull, you are my hero!  Too funny!!!!
"AshLee that's my face. I can't help it."
Tierra. America now knows you can't control your eyebrow but you can control your attitude. Get it together.
Tierra how dare you tell AshLee that you've been through a lot. Have you heard that girls story?. Again...Tierra is selfish.
And of course on cue, Tierra cries.

Sean has admitted that AshLee has the biggest heart and I think the girls like her so really, throwing her under the bus is dumb. Funny that when crying, your eyebrow is fine.
I love that Tierra pretty much knows with Sean sitting so close she can't automatically go into some medical "emergency" stunt.
BOOM sent packing!!!!
Hope Shay waves to her & throws glitter to celebrate!  Since ya know, the girls stole Tierra's 'sparkle'
I like that Sean sent Tierra home in a private setting but I would've loved to watch her name not get called and have no one want to say their goodbyes to her...since she didn't want to say goodbye to anyone.  And really.....start to take responsibility for you. Don't blame shortcomings and misfortunes on others.
Wow! Rose ceremony starts and the girls didn't even know Tierra was already on a plane.
"No cocktail party" has to be scary to hear after all that went down in St Croix.
Lesley! You didn't get the rose but you'll get basketball/football tickets. You and Sean shall be sports bffs.
Poor Catherine lost her house buddy.
 But she still has sunrise memories.



I want to attend "Jammie Cocoa Christmas" with the Lowe family...they are adorable!
I do think this season has FLOWN by! I mean seriously....hometowns next week. Wow!  AND according to my lovely DVR, Tuesday is a special "Sean Lowe spills the beans" show!  Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

#6 Snowy Thoughts, Attention Caught

Welcome to week 5, episode 2 for the week of my random thoughts!
I'd hop on a plane to Lake Louise in a heartbeat!  Goodness this place is gorgeous!
It has to be weird standing on a mountaintop gazing at Lake Louise all alone (minus the camera crew)
Oh AshLee!  You are pretty much the mom of the house.

Dear Daniella,
You are on The Bachelor. How dare you underestimate the date planning crew?!?  Of course the date will be awesome. Really though, if you're there for the right reasons you should be happy enough sitting outside in a rocking chair or lounging on a comfy couch enjoying 1 on 1 time. 1 on 1 time is a hot commodity....I'd be pumped if the date card said "Let's go to Target, just you and me!"

Does this remind anyone of when Ali left whoever it was on the snowy mountain and the helicopter flew away?
Poor Catherine, I'm cold for you!
I can't believe Sean is driving a snow bus (yet couldn't drive a Jeep)! This date is super cute!!!
I'm really wanting Sean to just flat out say "Ladies, y'all can finish this journey but Catherine & I are headed back to Dallas"
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lowe!
Dez has two 1 on 1s and Daniella who needs to go, is sad because she is queen of the group dates.

Oh Sean....the roses are part of the show. They kind of all mean the same thing. :)

I'm all for canoes and the scenery is stunning but canoeing when it is freezing is just whack!  What if you're cold and wet and cold.

Ok. I think I choose drinking goats milk over jumping into FREEZING water. Goodness this isn't a good idea. Selma is now the smartest for not doing this.
This polar bear plunge is like a Bachelor baptism...starting over.
I'm sad Sean said the girls didn't have to plunge and gave Selma flack for her decision. She's funny!
Oh Tierra! Saying "I'm scared for how I'm going to act afterwards" is basically announcing you're going to go the over exaggerated route and it'll be the stairwell all over again.
Everyone was in and out with no problem and happy. Proves Tierra doesn't know how to be happy. And the pouty face with the hot beverage....send this girl to Hollywood!
DRAMA! Party of 1!

Catherine & Dez.  They are good people!
If you're eating a don't need oxygen and you can put on your own socks.

Sarah is sweet but I just can't handle her whiny voice.

Sean & Leslie.  They hold a Guinness World Record and membership to the Lake Louise Polar Bear Plunge Club. What accomplishments!

Talk about hearing a pin drop when Tierra walks in. Anyone remember the "be the person who lights up a room on the way in, not the way out" quote? Well Tierra is lights out.
You took a hot shower, dried your hair, walked to the're fine.

Tierrarist. That's funny!
I've got to give Sean credit. He's good at breaking up with girls. Very positive in his letdown. However, your heart has to break for Sarah. Girl jumped in ice and was sent packing a few hours later.
I hope this sweater stayed in Canada.
Ok Dez & Sean climbing trees is as adorable as Catherine & Sean playing in the snow.
Good for Dez. Going from living in a tent to living in LA. Just goes to show you that love and family should always come before money. I just love Dez's heart!!
What the heck Selma?! Way to shame your family.
Ugh! Lindsay's whiny voice just needs to go! I cannot believe she admitted on national television she doesn't believe in pj's. Her parents must be proud as well.
AshLee you are so emotional. I can't control how emotional you are. The scarf blindfold thing was just weird. I mean power to you for having a bad hand dealt but rising above. We all know you've been through a lot but I just worry about your future.
Welp....I guess Selma shamed her family for nothing. I'd like to think America let out a collective "oh no he didn't just give the Tierrarist a rose" when it was shown that Tierra was staying. Yikes. We all know Tierra has got to know by now that her time is limited. All the crazy, only group dates and Dez has had two 1 on 1s.'re too whacked out Tierra.
This has been a daring/dangerous season ... Falling off buildings, Roller derby, drinking milk straight out of a goat and now, swimming in ice. Sheesh!

Monday, February 4, 2013

#5 Row a Boat. Milk a Goat. Cry for a Rose.

Dear Sean,
Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with this?

Moving on....
I'd like to know what makes a helicopter "bad ass"? I'm thinking wedding dress Lindsay is a bit too "young"....she just seems too immature and obnoxious in a "young" way.

I think Sean knew the Ravens were going to win the Super Bowl....purple shirt, black zip up hoodie. Nice!

Anyway....that concert looks mighty familiar. However the Emily & Ryan Gloriana concert was warmer weather & better music. :)

Poor silent Jackie having to go on a 2 on 1 with Tierra.

First, maybe it's my hometown roots coming out but I love goats!!! Family friends had goats and they were adorable! Leslie M is too funny. Poor girls canoeing! That is hard. Flashbacks of RA training w the Irishman. Crazy times. Anyway, this date is too funny! You go Sarah & Dez! But I do feel bad for these poor goats! And Dez who is drinking goats milk followed by champagne...yuck!

So Robyn is the only one on the winning team who hasn't had a 1 on 1. The bar is named Casey's....I can't be the only one thinking it would be hilarious if Kacie B. made an appearance. I think deep down Sean knows Leslie and Catherine are awesome so he wants to invite them back!!!

I think I'd be scared to read what Tierra is's probably death threats titled 50 Shades of Crazy. And did Tierra put on one of the shirts from the competition she wasn't invited to when she stalked Sean at a bar she wasn't invited to? Whackadoodle! And really it's cold, the cameras are going to follow you regardless so talk inside you crazy girl.

I also think in group settings, each participant should get a timer. If they use all their time, great. If not, their fault. So 4 girls at 10 mins each is 40 minutes on Sean's clock.

I just adore Catherine & Sean!!!! They are just so happy giggly giddy sweet together! And he dropped the L a cute setting. Power to Daniella for not led to the sympathy think, I pegged you as going home today.

Have the chosen ones for the 2 on 1 ever despised each other as much as Tierra & Jackie despise each other?! I can feel the tension through the tv! Poor Jackie...honesty never works out when confronting the crazies!

Again, Tierra is the only one that eats! As sad as the snippet of the story was, your previous relationship does not make me like you. Well done in opening up but you are still 25 levels above regular crazy.

I think if Sean looks back and regrets any rose ceremony throughout his season, it would be this 2 on 1 rose.

I love how honest Sean is with the whole "why would you be worried?"

Dear Tierra,
Could your skirts get ant shorter. Geez!

Dear Robyn,
Squash her like a bug. Ha....makes me think of Kacie B & Courtney

Dear Girls of the house,
Well done on confronting the crazy. one is threatening you and I really hope someone played that tape back for Sean and he steals your rose! And girl, after this man will want to propose to you.

Oh snap! Way to put Leslie in a bad spot. That's like straight up friend zone ... Ask the girl who works in DC and can give you a PC answer instead of what America wants to say "Sean, Tierra is bat shit crazy. Run far away and don't look back. Check under your bed and in your closets at night because she'll probably haunt you." I'd hate to be in Leslie's shoes right now.

You can tell Catherine & Dez really like Sean based on their expressions during Chris Harrison's pre rose ceremony speech. Making Dez go through the crazy of the final rose hurts my heart! But since we saw a preview of her and boyfriend that hasn't aired in an episode, it really wasn't scary for home viewers like it was for her at the time. :)

I wonder if Tierra sits on her couch each Monday and watches not only how high her eyebrow will rise but also how mean she is. Like the 3 & 5 year old girls I babysit would say: "She needs Jesus in her heart."

MYSTERY LETTER at the proposal spot?!?!?!?!?!?

"Sometimes love can be a hectic journey. But it's the journey that creates love."
-Sean Lowe