Monday, January 21, 2013

#3 Record Breaking Fun

I absolutely adore the thought of Sean & Leslie M!!!!  Hilarious with the Guinness record yet awkward because if he doesn't propose to her, can you imagine holding that over your husbands head?  That as he was "dating" both of you, he made the record books with someone else?

If you are going to play sports or attempt to play sports, pull your hair back!  Especially if you're on the windy beach!  Yea, that means you wedding dress Lindsay, old woman Taryn and needs to go home Daniella.  Stop crying model will be on the cover of 3 smut books.

I'm staring to think if Sean wanted to spend time with you, he'd find a way...either in date form or reassuring words.  Poker dealer Leslie, you have no chance.

Wedding dress Lindsay, I do like your necklace!  Silver border with pink ovals in the middle!

Amanda...getting cocky :) last week she was totally a Courtney (Ben's season) and today, all happy.

Holy guacamole Kacie B!  Way to ruin it for yourself.  You put yourself in the middle! Well done Sean though.

Tierra eats a lot,  She is such a drama queen...thinking it was all an act (also, if my child intentionally fell down the stairs and spoke to not only people that were attempting to help her, but medical professionals who are taking time to assist you when others are really hurt and need their attention, I would be mortified!  Her parents must be so 'proud')

Catherine is funny.

Poor AshLee!!!!  Tierra completely ruined the start of their AWESOME date!!!!!  That may be my favorite Bachelor date ever!!

I LOVE that Sean cried over AshLee's family life story!  :)

Not sure what I think about bringing Sarah's dog.

Rose Ceremony Thoughts:
Love AshLee's necklace
What the heck with that outfit Kacie B?!?!?It's like 1980s jazzercise!
I'm not sad that she's gone...she was getting too immature.  When did she hurt her finger?  Catherine gets no screen time.

Ending note, if I was ever The Bachelorette, instead of roses I'd hand out Chick fil A Chocolate Chip Cookies.  The Top 5 would get burgers & beer.  I mean what guy wants a rose bud???

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