Monday, January 28, 2013

#4 Roll the Dice, Tierra's Not Nice

Man.....a minute in and Tierra looks ROUGH when Chris Harrison comes to visit. And yes, Chris Harrison will always be Chris Harrison, not just Chris much like Kacie B will always be Kacie B, never just Kacie. Moving on!

The variety of loungeware puzzles me. Is it hot is it cold? So many varieties!

Leslie H....your cards have been dealt. You are not Sean's Happy Ending (she's friends w Penny's bf on the show, Happy Endings and had a cameo a few weeks ago)...stop crying!

Sean appears to have had his ears lowered since last week.  He and Selma seem super comfortable together in a romantic way whereas last week Leslie M and Sean seemed just flat out adorable for life!  Sidenote...if I climb up a mountain, I'd want to eat dinner on top of said mountain...all that climbing can't go to waste! Oh Selma! Bless your heart.

Catherine & Sarah & Amanda are funny!  I'm bothered by ABCs fake anticipation stunt and showing roller derby fight that was from the professional team!  Poor Sarah!  She's such a good sport and AshLee is such a great motivational person!  Love it! They'll be friends for life! 

I love that AshLee and Lindsay try to keep the conversation going and Tierra is just plain mean. 

Tierra. Let me just list it for you.
1. You applied to be cast. You knew going in what to expect
2. Short shorts and heels are not ok for a date especially when your shirt is also short
3. Sarah & AshLee are super sweet don't be so mean to them.
4. Based on your demeanor, I'd never hire you. Or be your friend.
5. If you're not going to fight for a date, you're probably not going to fight for your marriage
6. You need Jesus

Trainwreck. I mean Tierra, You're not breaking down inside & holding it all're breaking down on national television and letting it all out. Sidenote.... only Lindsay had the hot tub idea...kinda makes it one on one.

I lost respect for Sean by giving Tierra the rose. That wasn't cool.  She didn't 'earn' it, she bullied him into it. Not cool Tierra, not cool. However, in Sean's defense he doesn't see what we see and we don't see what he sees. I so want to be an in the house that dream I had!!!!!

Leslie H....I have to agree, I'd choose the man over the jewelry. However, isn't it Bachelor rule that you get the shopping spree you go home?  I would feel so awkward dress shopping! Actually, you could take me to JCrew Banana Target or Loft and I'd feel awkward!  I'm a little sad you're wearing a great dress and a necklace worth more than what's in my bank account but your posture is not glamorous like your outfit.

Again, Tierra is the only one ever eating! 

The necklace removal reminds me of Kate Hudson running out in How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days.

We focus on what Tierra does wrong because does Tierra do anything right? But way to rise above and apologize...even if it was all an act. Ps....keep your boobs in your dress.

Oh Catherine! I think you're the future Mrs. Sean Lowe. You two seem to have a great connection but it seems hidden. Much like Jef was hidden until the library date.

Poor Amanda....she has a massive chin bruise!!!

I'm still team Leslie M, AshLee, Catherine

Fairly confident Sean is the first lead in all of Bachelor franchise history that is genuinely on the show for its intended purpose...which is to fall in love in a 2 month time period, get engaged and vow to be together until death parts you. He just seems so different. It's like he really is on the dates, not acting for the camera.

What is this year's theme song?

Monday, January 21, 2013

#3 Record Breaking Fun

I absolutely adore the thought of Sean & Leslie M!!!!  Hilarious with the Guinness record yet awkward because if he doesn't propose to her, can you imagine holding that over your husbands head?  That as he was "dating" both of you, he made the record books with someone else?

If you are going to play sports or attempt to play sports, pull your hair back!  Especially if you're on the windy beach!  Yea, that means you wedding dress Lindsay, old woman Taryn and needs to go home Daniella.  Stop crying model will be on the cover of 3 smut books.

I'm staring to think if Sean wanted to spend time with you, he'd find a way...either in date form or reassuring words.  Poker dealer Leslie, you have no chance.

Wedding dress Lindsay, I do like your necklace!  Silver border with pink ovals in the middle!

Amanda...getting cocky :) last week she was totally a Courtney (Ben's season) and today, all happy.

Holy guacamole Kacie B!  Way to ruin it for yourself.  You put yourself in the middle! Well done Sean though.

Tierra eats a lot,  She is such a drama queen...thinking it was all an act (also, if my child intentionally fell down the stairs and spoke to not only people that were attempting to help her, but medical professionals who are taking time to assist you when others are really hurt and need their attention, I would be mortified!  Her parents must be so 'proud')

Catherine is funny.

Poor AshLee!!!!  Tierra completely ruined the start of their AWESOME date!!!!!  That may be my favorite Bachelor date ever!!

I LOVE that Sean cried over AshLee's family life story!  :)

Not sure what I think about bringing Sarah's dog.

Rose Ceremony Thoughts:
Love AshLee's necklace
What the heck with that outfit Kacie B?!?!?It's like 1980s jazzercise!
I'm not sad that she's gone...she was getting too immature.  When did she hurt her finger?  Catherine gets no screen time.

Ending note, if I was ever The Bachelorette, instead of roses I'd hand out Chick fil A Chocolate Chip Cookies.  The Top 5 would get burgers & beer.  I mean what guy wants a rose bud???

Monday, January 14, 2013

#2 Tom Petty & the Art Gallery

Clearly I pick myself for Sean but since I'm not nearly as skinny or pretty as the gals on his "I'm Sean and I'm super hot, I love God, family, kids, dogs and laughing so here is my super hot season" I have decided that I would like him to choose:

Desiree aka Dez
They seem to be on the same playing field.  It does worry me about last weeks preview with a boyfriend invading.

Leslie M aka from Arkansas but lives in DC
Sure she's from Arkansas and living in DC but she seems smart and they are cute together.  Bless her heart going back for a kiss!

She's adorable.  She seems really genuine and real.  She's not putting on a show, just having a good time.  Funny gal!

As much as I like Kacie B, I think Sean moved her from friend zone out of respect and doesn't want to crush her.  I think she'll go kind of far but not Top 5.  She's a good resource for the girls and gives funny interviews!

I do think Sarah is sweet but I think she'll get in her own way.

People I don't like:
Model girl who is book cover winner

I do think Sean's season moves quicker than others.  He is very matter of fact, let's do this and move on. In a sweet genuine way.  I would like his family to write a book on raising boys to be men.  It just seems very real this time around.  Not scripted or typical Bachelor awkward.

I totally want to be a bachelor mole and pretend to be one of 25 but report the crazy each day/every few days during rose ceremony.  Speaking of crazy....I know she is from Charlotte and all yoga and what not but sweet Katie...your hair would like to be introduced to a brush and some product.  But good for you for announcing a toxic environment and removing yourself...thought I thought you and Kacie B would be normal friends for a few weeks.  Back to Kacie that her occupation is "Ben's Season"

Until next week....

Monday, January 7, 2013

#1 Spray Tans, Crest White Strips and Nerves of Steel

And so we begin!  Sean has met not 25 but 26 ladies with one goal in mind....become Mrs. Sean Lowe!

The first episode is just an awkward meet and greet.  My email to my friend Loren wasn't that exciting:

"Is Sean the first Bach/bette to address the departing girls by name?  He just seems so wonderfully genuine.  Glad Ashley H the "southern belle" didn't get a rose.  She was "southern" in front of him but straight up New York for interviews.  Seriously though, instead of standing outside in the rain waiting for Emily & Ryan to finish dinner...we so should've broken into the boys mansion and kidnapped Sean :)"

Funny, Loren's response:
"...we didn't know Sean was so amazing when we were standing in the rain waiting FOREVER for Ryan and Emily. :) If only we would've known."

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Thorns & Thoughts

Nothing qualifies me to maintain a blog about the Bachelor & Bachelorette.  I haven't watched from the beginning of time and I do not personally know any of the contestants.  However, I started watching this crazy show when Ali was the lead for a variety of reasons and now I am hooked.  I do think it is funny how in 3 short years, personal information about each contestant surfaces earlier and earlier.  I'm talking about last names, hometowns, high school and college activities etc.  I blame Twitter, which I LOVE and Facebook which I could do without and barely use.  Moving on...

If I were to join the staff of ABC, I'd make some changes.  Of course, the changes I'd make would lead to few if any viewers so I'll stick with my job and let them do theirs.  However, I'd change a few things.

Sure, being picked up in a limo/sports car, taking a helicopter/jet to an exotic destination, shopping/eating in a 'closed to everyone else' venue etc. is great but it isn't real life.  It's setting the bar high and I think too many people are interested in the date, not the lead.  I'd want my dates to be real with a sprinkle of excitement for not only he and I but the viewers as well.  We'd go to a football/basketball/baseball game but instead of sitting in the nosebleed section, we'd be centerfield, half court, behind home plate.  We'd also get VIP all access passes...because let's face it...we have to have some special privilege!

If you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't eat it.  We see food on plates and not really ever on the fork.  I'd ask to have a 'quick&clean" sampling of dinner and start filming.  I agree, no one wants to or should eat on tv...but smelling a steak/chicken and red velvet cake/chocolate chip cookie and not eating it is just crazy!

Men would hand out gerber daisies or daffodils or carnations or sunflowers.  Roses stink and die quickly.  They are also overpriced.
Women would hand out encouraging words.  Really, I'm still working on this one.  I joke about handing out chocolate chip cookies.  The way to a guys heart is through his stomach but also, how many guys want to save a rosebud?

Favorite Phrases:
"Blank, this is the final rose" "Blank, here are the rules on how dates and date cards work"  By now....who doesn't know what to do when one rose remains?  Chris Harrison has the easiest job in the world!

So, I'd change a few things but let's also note how and why I started watching this glorious bit of MOnday night entertainment!

During Ali's season I started to watch the show because a girl from my hometown posted that her husband's coworker was on the show.  Funny, Roberto ended up "winning".  I really liked Chris L.

Brad's season I watched because Emily Maynard was on it and she lives in Charlotte so I wanted to see what they'd show of Charlotte.  I also decided that since I watched 1 girl go for 25 guys, I should see if 1 guy picking from 25 girls was just as crazy.  It was nuts!

Ashley H now R (since she and JP tied the knot) I wasn't really an Ashley H fan but I watched anyway because why not?  It was fun to laugh at the drama.

Ben.  Well, Ben was a fun one to watch and let's be real, he owns a winery and should just call it "Bachelor Blends"  Courtney was evil and I wonder whatever happened to sweet Lindzi?

Emily. Oh Emily!  Not only did I watch the entire season and become way too invested in a reality tv show, but I, along with 2 of my friends, attending the FIRST one on one date of the season!  That's right!  We stood outside, in the rain, for over 3 hours waiting for Em &Ryan to finish dinner and come outside to enjoy a Gloriana concert.  It was pretty awesome and we had some great screen time.  Looking back, the guys stayed pretty close to where I lived so instead of waiting outside for hours, we should've gone to visit the guys!

Sean.  He's America's Bachelor.  How can you not watch?  I think his name alone speaks for itself.  Sean Lowe. God. Family.Friends. Food. Football.

Let the AMAZING JOURNEY begin :)