Saturday, May 25, 2013

Somebody to love

Y'all, it's Memorial Day weekend and Des' journey to love begins Monday.  In true Bach/ette fashion, I'm sure Des' season will be "the best one yet" and truly "amazing" as well as a "dream come true" but for some reason I'm just not interested in watching.  As in not even slightly excited about it.

Sure, I watched the Bloopers episode the other night but even with the promos, I'm just not intrigued.  
Yes, Des seemed sweet. 
Yes, she'll have Sean flashbacks.  
Yes, drama will fill the air.
Yes, people will cry.
But for some reason I'm not interested.  I do still think Lesley M would've been a witty and amusing B'ette but she was smart to
graceful "complete" a season and be done.

Which leads me to wonder how 25-35 year olds are able to not work for almost an entire year. Think about it.  From a filming/production standpoint Sean left for Emily's season the beginning of March (1st 1 on 1 was March, 16, 2012....I was there!) and proposed to Catherine mid November 2012...that's 8 months. Add that to the promo schedule while the show airs, that's an entire year.  Since Des was on the Bachelor and is now the B'ette, she's on the same "no work, all roses" schedule.

I can't help but think what my two male, both married, both have kids, bosses would say if I walked into their offices, sat down and exclaimed "Gentleman, I love my job, I love the company and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to learn from both of you.  However,  I'd like to pack up my office and embark on a quest for love.  I'll meet 25 suitors and represent God & myself well, so don't worry but seriously, I have an amazing 3 month journey to start." OR "My inability to date in this town has gotten the best of me so I'm going on national TV to compete with 24 other single girls for the heart of the same man. Tune in Monday nights."  Yea...NEVER going to happen.  While they are supportive I'm fairly certain they'd shake their heads, laugh, and respond with "You want to do what?".

If anyone from ABC ever stumbles upon this little ole blog, I'd like you to consider reformatting the show to be realistic.  Film in a hometown or fun city. Complete every day tasks. Travel to must see attractions in the area....weekend getaway type places.  How someone responds to everyday stuff...sitting in beach traffic, dealing with airports and TSA, random car issues, horrible service at a restaurant  and automated phone prompts instead of a real person talking really brings out ones true colors!  Add reality to your idea of "reality".   Perhaps the success rate of married couples would be higher if the extravagance wasn't the highlight but the "true connection" was the focus?!

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